Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Vegetarian Bazaar

This year Maha Vihara Duta Maitreya held Vegetarian Bazaar again that was sold only once a year. To celebrate world meat free day, Maha Vihara Duta Maitreya held vegetarian bazaar from 8-9 October 2016 for 2 days.
I went to the event around 8 am until 1 pm. It was opened from 8 am until 8 pm. I went to the bazaar because I must helped my mom counting coupons. I also wanted to try the delicious meal in there. So when I arrived there, its around 8 a.m maybe, I had a breakfast in there. I bought Ou luak. Ou luak is from the eggs and other ingredients in there. Its very delicious. I saw many people buy Ou luak too.
I also bought sushi because my friends recommended me to buy it. You can see in pictures.

I saw my friends help this bazaar. Not only students, but teachers also helped. I met my Junior High School teacher. She used to teach me mandarin. She sold " Sup Pangsit ". I also met my chemistry teacher. She sold fried noodles. To be honest, it was a lot of teachers that helping this bazaar like my physic teacher, my economic teacher, my english teacher, etc. After that, I visited the handcraft stand. There were some Junior high school students were selling handcraft. My favorite handcraft is Handphone's place. It is useful for us. We can put our handphone in there. I used to make it when I was in junior high school and it's not easy. It was really tiring. I took some photos of them.

There also sold many handcraft such as key chain and the place so we can put our things( I don't know the name). I never make it but I can imagine that's not easy to make it. It's hard to make it. I'm proud of you guys! I look forward to see you guys in senior high school! Keep going! 

 I saw my mother's friends sold many of various fried while I walking. I really proud of them. In this time, they supposed to stay at home and enjoying their life but they intended to spare their time for helping this bazaar. They were so sincere. I feel ashamed of myself. I hope I can be a better person.

 I also met my mother's friend. You definitely know her! If you don't, you supposed to know her! She is Maha Vihara Duta Maitreya's actress. She is pretty, smart, talented, and kind. She good at singing and dancing. She also known as Batam Pusaka's singer. I'm proud of her! At this age, she supposed to stay at home and enjoying her life but she intended to spare her time for helping this vegetarian bazaar. She's really my favorite idol. I hope I can be like her. 

I went back home at 4 pm. I saw the photobooth's background. Many people wanted to take some pictures with it. Hmm.. the background are nice and creative. When I saw the background, I can felt the warmth of this background so I captured it. I guess you also like it. Well hope you like it!

 So that's all about my vegetarian bazaar story. This vegetarian bazaar is mean a lot to me. I hope there will be an vegetarian bazaar like this one again. This vegetarian bazaar is mean a lot to me. It was an unforgettable moment. I'm sorry if I had a mistakes. Thank you! Hope you enjoy my vegetarian bazaar story! See you next time guys!

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