Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016

Being The Good Girl On That Day

Since I was young, I rarely help my parents to do some chores. I only helped them if they demanded me. It different about that morning. On Saturday morning, I wake up at 6 am to do some exercises. I saw my mom preparing herself to the market. I feel pity with her so I wanted to her doing some chores.

After my mom back from market, maybe about 7 am. I immediately took the groceries to kitchen. My mom told me to do my homework but I wanted to help her so she allowed me. I immediately helped her to tidy up the groceries with her help of course. Tidy up the groceries is very useful for me because beside helping my mom, it also added some knowledge about vegetables and fruits. Tidy up vegetables and fruits was tiring too. I can't imagine that my mom do it every Saturday. She is a strong woman.

After helping her tidy up the groceries, about 30 minutes maybe, I helped her to pick the vegetables. I'm not really good at picking the vegetables so my mom taught me how to do that. Picking vegetables is not hard as I imagine but it was very tiring. Fortunately my father came downstairs and helped me to picked the vegetables. I can't imagine that my mother picks all the vegetables every saturday. I feel guilty about it.

After 15 minutes later, I swept the floor. I'm good enough at sweeping the floor because I often do it. I wanted to sweep 2 floor but I was too lazy to do that so I just swept 1 floor and my brother swept the rest. I felt pity to imagine that my mom sweeps 2 floor every Saturday. It's really tiring. I wish I could be like her. My mom is really a super woman.

After I swept the floor, maybe 5 minutes, I helped her to take down the laundry from the clothesline. I'm good enough at this because I always do it. So I took down all the laundry from the clothesline in a short time. I'm proud of myself because I can do it with my own. I usually take the laundry with my brother but now I can do it with my own. Finally I did it!

After I took the clothes, about 15 minutes, I folded the clothes. Folding clothes is not hard because I often do it. I could fold all clothes about 15 minutes. I usually fold clothes with my little brother but I did it myself for that day. My mom is proud of myself because I could do it with my own. I also proud of myself.
That is the most unforgettable moments for me. I could do all the chores with my own will. If we had our will, we surely can do it. I never forget about that moments. That is the memorable moments in my life. I wish next time I can do all the chores with my own.

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