Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Vegetarian Bazaar

This year Maha Vihara Duta Maitreya held Vegetarian Bazaar again that was sold only once a year. To celebrate world meat free day, Maha Vihara Duta Maitreya held vegetarian bazaar from 8-9 October 2016 for 2 days.
I went to the event around 8 am until 1 pm. It was opened from 8 am until 8 pm. I went to the bazaar because I must helped my mom counting coupons. I also wanted to try the delicious meal in there. So when I arrived there, its around 8 a.m maybe, I had a breakfast in there. I bought Ou luak. Ou luak is from the eggs and other ingredients in there. Its very delicious. I saw many people buy Ou luak too.
I also bought sushi because my friends recommended me to buy it. You can see in pictures.

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016

Being The Good Girl On That Day

Since I was young, I rarely help my parents to do some chores. I only helped them if they demanded me. It different about that morning. On Saturday morning, I wake up at 6 am to do some exercises. I saw my mom preparing herself to the market. I feel pity with her so I wanted to her doing some chores.


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